Winston Churchill

He was born in 1874. he was a stuttered. no one thought he would be a great statesman. But he had a different cloth. He showed himself shortly and, he kept some clever plans. He became the best orator and, affected many people. 

He joined the royal military. He was taken captured during a war. This incident was a milestone for him.He was able to run away from there. He welcomed like a hero when he went back to England. Everybody applauded him. He became a deputy then became the navigator minister. 

Churchill lost a war against Turks. He did not use all of the equipment. Because he was sure he would win the war. but he was wrong. The Turks resisted Churchill's navy. After that defeat, he got fired. 
later on, he showed him again. and he became a minister again. he became prime minister. Everyone can not be a prime minister. Probably he was very clever, charismatic, and an influence orator. he resisted Hitler. and Churchill won the war against him. 

He was a painter and a man of literature as well. he won Nobel Prize in 1953. But he thought he does not deserve it and, he said that like a brave man. He died in 1965. 
